
I started a Bible study and we’re looking at Paul’s Letter to the Romans. The leader is focused on our impressions and discussions more than on the background and exegesis. He told us to go to YouTube for scholarship. Here’s what I found.

Altar Server Story

Who would you choose as an altar server?

Thursday Doors

Our Lady of Lourdes

Holy Thursday Churches

St. Stanislaus Kostka
Our Lady of Lourdes
St. Andrew’s

It’s a Catholic tradition to visit 7 churches on the night of Holy Thursday. I just learned about this. I couldn’t get to 7. I saw 3 plus the one I went to for mass.

St. Hedwig

Some churches are open till midnight for visitors. I fear staying out that late in Chicago with the crime.

Palm Sunday


St. John Cantius

During Lent on Fridays, I’ve been going to Stations of the Cross at different churches. For the first three weeks I went to local churches that didn’t broadcast their stations. today it was raining pretty badly so I decided to watch this YouTube broadcast from St. John Cantius in Chicago.

In case you don’t know, Catholics have a tradition during Lent of a ceremony that re-enacts Jesus last hours. These Stations of the Cross feature 14 events from when Jesus was condemned to death through his placement in a tomb.

Wordless Wednesday

Lent: St. Stanislaus Kostka

Getting Ready for Lent


I liked this short video explaining the history and rationale for fasting.

Silent Sunday