Daily Archives: August 2, 2011

Of Gods and Men

The Award-winning Of Gods and Men is powerful. I won’t soon forget this film based on a true story. Set in Algeria, the film depicts a small Trappist monastery in an area plagued by Islamic terrorists who slowly encroach on the monks’ quiet life.

Much of the film revolves around the question of whether the monks should leave. Should they go back to France? To another monastery in a safer place? The film focuses on the monks’ life and place in the community where they humbly and respectfully provide medical services and companionship to their neighbors.

A very compelling film. A must-see.

Prayer for Creative Thinkers

I found this wonderful prayer by Karl Rahner, S.J. and reworked it for this week’s Act One prayer partner reflection. The original source is Prayers for a Lifetime, New York, NY: Crossroad Publishing, 1987.

I’ve adapted this prayer from Karl Rahner’s “Prayer for Creative Thinkers”

Eternal God, Creator of all, today we bring before you our prayer of intercession for all those in Act One who have a creative contribution to make in film and television.

Lord, who else offers prayers on their behalf? And yet we know that the goal they set for themselves, their creative power, their work and their achievements are willed by You. For Your will is extended unreservedly to those who are engaged in constantly producing new expressions of their own natures and spirit. You love the sort of artists who realize their own being in what they achieve and produce, who discover and express that nature which is an image and likeness of Your own glory. That which Your will intends them to be that they can only become with the help of Your grace. Eternal source of all Light, spirit of all true inspiration.

It is for this that we entreat You and invoke Your Holy Spirit upon them. Raise up among us people endowed with creative powers, thinkers, producers, negotiators, artists and writers. We have need of them. We remember that man cannot live by bread alone, that unless the Word proceeds from your mouth becomes his nourishment, we still go hungry. That scripture applies to them  Continue reading